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Monday 5 December 2011

Story Board For Our Next Scene, Evil Awaits

This is one of our last scenes for our trailer. We had some difficulties with the sound, as the camera of my work partner wasn't that good in recording the voices, so we had to borrow a microphone to record our voices from that scene and then put the voices on top of the trailer, this gives a sense of a more professional look and the voices have improved.

Story Board For Our Trailer, Evil Awaits

This is the storyboard we have created for our trailer. The actual finished trailer might be different for some scenes from this storyboard, but this was just a rough idea in how to present the shots and write down some ideas and conclusions.

Film Magazines

Part of our media coursework is not only creating a film trailer but also designing a front cover magazine for our trailer. I've been doing some research with different film magazine companies. This helps as it gives me an idea of how I can create my film magazine.

Empire is a British film magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media, edited by Barry McIlheney and published by Emap; their first issue was in July 1989, meaning the magazine has been around Britain for a long time now. It's the biggest selling film magazine in Britain with a circulation of 194,016 per year. Empire organises the Empire Awards which is sponsored by Sony Ericsson and Jameson.

Front Covers

Sight and Sound
Sight and Sound is a film magazine that publishes every month by the BFI (British Film Institute). It was first published in 1932. The magazine is edited by Nick James, inculding film reviews, releases each month, art house releases, the magazine also features a full cast and crew credit list for each reviewed film.

Front Covers

The front covers from these two different magazine companies will help me to design my own film magazine, for my upcoming horror trailer. It gives me ideas in how to place the title, subheading and the writing all around the front cover, it also gives me an idea of how the picture can look and how the writing and picture blend well together by the techniques used.
Last year I created my own music magazine, so I've got a rough idea on how to create my new film magazine, however, film magazines are slightly different than music magazines, so these front covers are a good example on how I can design my film front cover magazine.  

Friday 2 December 2011

Trailer: Evil Awaits (Not Finished)

We have shown our trailer to the whole class, it's not yet finished; we still need to do some voice overs and film one or two more scenes for the ending.
Our teacher and some of our classmates have given us some feedback, we have taken all the comments into consideration and have been trying to improve our trailer by adding some voice overs and titles into the trailer to explain what our film is about and explaining what is going on in every scene.