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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Early Footage for Audience Feedback

Me and my other workmates have shown the first part of our trailer to our class and gave us some feedback in how to improve our trailer.


  1. First piece of footage is encouraging, good range of shots and some competent camera work. Look forward to seeing the more footage very soon!
    The length of the one shot does seem a little long for a trailer or though could be used with a supporting voive over to introduce the film's concept to the audience.

  2. You had a wide variety of shots. The sound and screen resolution was not impressive, however, these are problems which can be fixed with ease. Your genre as a 'horror' did not come through on the scenes I saw, but that may be due to the trailer not being finished, overall, good.

  3. The first footage you showed was simple but interesting. The altered resolution of the scene made the 'Horror' theme come to live but in my opinion the rest of the presented footage did not anchor your theme. There were some effective camera shots and transitions but i suggest that you intensify the horror aspect of your product within the finished product but overall i thought it was very visually attractive and captivating.
