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Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                  When creating a media product the encoder will need to refer to forms and conventions just so the decoder knows and likes what they are watching. When creating the trailer we stuck to the genre; the genre we chose was horror because we knew more about this genre and horror is one of my favourite film genres. We made sure the trailer stuck to the genre by adding voice overs, captions and scenes, we had to make sure that the trailer was presented in a way that would attract to the audience we are trying to aim at. Our target audience are young adults both genders age 15 – 25. The way we attracted the audience was using young characters, scary dark setting (the abandoned house) and slow pasted background scary music.

The abandoned house sets the horrified scary mood; it’s perfect for our target audience and for the genre. Some parts from the trailer were filmed inside the abandoned house, so the trailer shows dark and scary scenes from the house, some of the parts are filmed outside with one of the characters running, we tried making those parts look gloomy and dark by editing it and changing its lightning and brightness.

The characters shown in the trailer are the main characters from the film off course, we were all involved in playing a part in the film trailer, we used young characters to target the audience, the target audience are young and they are always looking for something exciting, so the best idea was to use young characters and create a more up thrilling trailer using young people, they’re more outgoing and they tend to be looking for trouble or something fun, and that’s why they end up in an abandoned house just because one of them gets curious and starts exploring the inside of the.
The elements we added in when creating the film trailer were carefully selected so we could target the genre and audience properly. We fitted all the conventions in our trailer so the decoder gets what he was expecting to get and encourage him to watch the film.  We set the scene like any horror film, dark, gloomy and in the middle of the woods, where the characters get lost after being chased from the abandoned house.
The opening scene of the trailer is a shot of the three young girls talking about subject of ghosts and saying how they don’t believe in them and then they plan to investigate going to an abandoned house his friend ‘Alex’ knows about. That conversation then leads into the scene of the four teenagers walking to the abandoned house, we used a close up shot to show their feet walking towards the house, creates a tenser mood and the scary music is playing as well. The shots are slow at the beginning and they gradually get faster, creating a more professional look and it links with the horror genre, showing the beginning all calm and tension building up and then by the end it gets faster and that’s when the horror starts.

Friday 2 March 2012

Film Poster Research

I've finished designing my magazine front cover and now I've got to design a film poster for my trailer. I've done some research and have looked at some film posters to see if they can help in how doing them and what elements I will have to add to my film poster.

Film Poster
A  film poster is a piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or in any vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative. They advertise the film and the actors and actresses.
They are usually found around the streets, on billboards, bus stops, underground, buses, etc.

Example of Film Posters

As you can see these are film posters from recent films, they usually include a main picture with the main actor or someone important from the film and then the film title covering the picture at the bottom, they sometimes add a tagline around the film poster usually at the top or underneath the film title. They always add the release date, and some information about the companies involved in the making of the film.
For my film poster I will be adding a main picture of Kate Burden, one of the main characters from the trailer, it'll be dark and scary linking to the genre of horror, I will add the film title at the bottom with the date and naming the actors and actresses involved in the film, a tagline at the top making the poster more eye catching and I will be editing the picture to make it look more scary and more professional looking.

Film Magazine Front Cover