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Thursday 8 September 2011

Pitch For A Short Film

Title for my short film: Run Away

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Props/Settings: In a big old house, forest, clothes, knives (weapons), fake blood.

Target Audience: Both genres, 16 - 50 year olds.

Description of the film: A young teenager called Amy Yail is left alone in her house, her parents are out for the night and leave their daughter behind to take care of the house. She is an only child so she is left completely alone. Later that night she invites two of her friends. She hears weird noises at random times around the house but she remembers the house is quite old so she is not that bothered about the strange noises. Carl and Sarah arrive to her house, they've planned to have a night in around her house watching films and gossip, however, she doesn't know someone else is in the house.

I will be using various techniques to create the scene. To begin with there will be a long shot focusing the house and then moving slowly closer to the house focusing on the door, the door opens and will show the family talking in the house. I will be using medium and close up shots, to show the emotions people create when scared so tension builds up throughout the scene. Props will be used for dead bodies, blood and the damages caused all around the house.

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