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Friday 14 October 2011

Different Ways In Which People Find Out About A Film And Why They Choose To Go And Watch It

They are a lot of reasons on how people find out about a film, it's all over the streets, TV, magazines, newspapers, billboards, etc.
The main reason for people to be aware about a film its the cinema trailer itself and off course many other reasons, the reasons are:
  • Cinema Poster
  • TV Advertisement
  • Reviews
  • News Features/Talk Show
  • Radio Advertisement
  • Radio Reviews
  • Magazines Advertisements
  • Magazines News Reviews
  • Online Advertisement
  • Online Interviews, Reviews and Features
  • Outdoor Advertisement, eg. Billboards, Bus Stops, London Underground, etc.
  • And the most obvious one 'Word Of Mouth'
A lot of people go to watch a film just because they have seen the film advertisement everywhere, they are a lot of more reasons, people go to watch a film maybe because they like the actors playing in the film, they like the director, the genre suits them, maybe because the reviews were really good and they thought to go and watch it and see for themselves, the story maybe appealed to them, their friends have been talking about it, maybe someone just asked them to go and watch it with them or maybe just because of boredom.

Exit Polls
The UK Film Council are required to take Exit Polls surveys for films supported by the Prints and Adverstising Fund. It is usually used for Hollywood big films but much less so for smaller and independent films that are most likely to screen in fewer cinemas with smaller budgets. The Exit Polls are carried out by professionals research companies, they make up a questionnaire for at least two cinemas during the film's opening weekend. These questionnaires help as it tells them who the audience is, why they came to watch the film and how did they find out about the film, this kind of information really helps because it refines their marketing and publicity campaigns and it will bring up new ideas and how to improve for future releases.


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