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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Script for Evil Awaits

Characters:  Alex – Miguel
                     Jessica – Kate
                      Molly – Nicole
                      Katie – Zoë
Scene 1 –  Molly, Jess and Katy sitting down in a park bench.
Katy: 'Ghosts? Are you serious?... Don't tell me you believe in that pointless crap'
Molly: 'What do you mean?'
Katy: 'How can it be true? an invisible being floating around?'
Molly: 'Think about it, where do you think you go when you die?'

Katy: 'I don't know but i just don't believe in ghosts and stuff like that'

Molly: 'Okay... I'll prove it to you'

Katy: 'Ha! good luck doing that, How you gonna do it?'
Molly: 'I don't know let me think'

Jess: 'Wasn't Alex talking about an abandoned house last week?'
Molly: 'Oh yeah he was, can you ring him and ask him about going?'

Jess: 'Yeah no worries i'll ring him when i get home'

Scene 2 Friends approaching the forest. Establishing shot with forests in the background, Alex sitting on his bag smoking, in the middle of the shot. Then it fades into a medium shot of Alex:
Alex - ‘where have you been? I’ve waited ages!’
Next shot is Jessica, Katie and molly walking towards him, then as they walk past (without making eye – contact).
Molly‘come on, hurry up, and finish that fag.’
Close up shot of Alex taking one final drag and flicks it on to the floor, picks up his bag. There is an extreme long shot of Alex walking to catch up with the 3girls and them walking towards the forest. Fades into a black screen.
Scene 3 – Alex, Molly, Jessica and Katy are walking through the forest. Medium camera shots tracking their legs are they walk.

Long shot of the abandoned house in the forest, with the 4 friends walking towards it on the right, medium long shot of the house, with Alex, Molly, Katy and Jessica standing in front of the house.
Close up shot of the 4 friends facing towards the house (the camera)
Alex: Come on, let’s go inside
Molly: Hmmm I don’t think so Alex, it looks dangerous
Alex: Well im going in, you coming or not?
Katy, Alex, Molly and Jessica start climbing through a broken window, extreme close ups of their hands on the window frames.
After going in, the camera slowly zooms in to the window and fades into black and into the next scene.

Scene 4 - Inside the house, Alex and the girls are inside. Long shot of them through the window frame. House is trashed, rubbish everywhere and graffiti on the walls.
Girls are too scared so they wait outside
Katy: No way, im waiting outside
Katy climbs through the window back outside. Molly and Jessica follow her. Close up shot of them walking out.
Alex walks around the house and looks at the walls. He sees the names of them written on the walls in black ink. Over the shoulder view of alex with the writing in the background. Extreme close up of alex’s face and eyes.
The girls are waiting outside sitting down against the wall, talking and laughing. They then hear a scream from alex inside the house, The screen quickly goes black.

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